Thursday, March 5, 2009

The hottest place in town

We’ve been back in Mexico a total of 7 weeks now and, as a newlywed couple, we are adjusting to what ministry looks like for us here now as a couple instead of individuals. One of the ways we really enjoy reaching out to others is through inviting them over to our home. Now, with a house of 120 sq. ft. total, you may think that to be a difficult task, but we always seem to manage. The most we have fit inside of our house at one time is 28 people and a dog. Granted, most people were standing, and they didn’t stay inside long, but they fit. Here’s a bit of a look at what our entertaining schedule has looked like since we’ve been back:

Jan 20- Roberto and Vero over for coffee (our neighbors)

Jan 22- Nick’s birthday party (see post below)

Jan 23- Mike and Daysi for dinner (a couple from the mission training school- MTS)

Feb 3- David and Rhonda for dinner (fellow workers here)

Feb 4- Roberto and Vero for dinner

Feb 5- Gord and Deb and family for dinner (leaders at GFM)

Feb 10- Tucker and Pam for dinner (fellow team members- also newlyweds)

Feb 13- Laura and Valaria for coffee (the women we buy our produce from)

Feb 15- all the staff and families for dessert- the final stop of our staff progressive dinner (the 28 people plus one dog)

Feb 17- several MTS students for smores

Feb 18- Alejandro and family for coffee and Bible Study (a family we are discipling)

Feb 19- Vero and Yamilet (her daughter) stopped by and we invited them to stay for pizza

Feb 22- the Triqui family for coffee (complete story coming in later post)

Feb 24- Geraldo and Susana and family for dinner (the family Sarah lived with last spring)

Feb 27- Chris and Erin for dinner (the leaders of our church planting team)

Feb 28- the Triqui family for lunch

Mar 1- family from Nick’s language learning route for coffee

Mar 3- Liz and Tasha for dinner (fellow team members)

Maybe this is why our leader has deemed our house "The hottest place in town!"

We prayed when we moved into our home that God would bless it and make it a place that people feel welcome and feel his presence. He seems to be answering that prayer!

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