Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Lots of people get married in the States and honeymoon in Mexico - so we figured we'd give it a try as well (we'd already honeymooned in San Francisco and Tahoe, but we liked it so much we thought we'd do it again (go on a second, or third depending on how you count). Actually, we made the plans for the getaway during a time of intense spiritual growth and seeking. We decided we would want some quiet time afterwards to focus on each other and God to see how He might lead us next.
Our destination was a tiny mountain community (located about 5 hours from our town in the direction of the Pacific Ocean). Nick had tried to save up money from his pizza business last fall in hopes of taking Sarah there after they returned to Mexico as a married couple but ended up squandering what he'd set aside on things like sheet rock and cement so we'd have a place to live instead of just a hotel room for a few nights.
We enjoyed the luxuries of our cabin, which seemed to us a 5 star resort: hot showers 24/7 (any shower for that matter would be a luxury), indoor bathroom with plumbing, drinking water from the tap (don't worry, it's fresh spring water- we didn't get any amoebas or anything drinking it), queen sized bed, and a fireplace. (Sounds a bit like our parents' homes- funny how perspective changes). The weekend away provided us time to hike, relax, pray and worship God together, and eat breakfast in bed.

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