Friday, March 6, 2009


One of our most frequent visitors at our house is the little 3-year-old neighbor girl, Yami. The night of our staff bonfire with smores, after everyone left, Nick and I were enjoying the fire and the night sky when we saw Roberto, Vero and Yami come outside to burn their mattress (I guess the springs were poking through and the easiest way to get rid of it was to burn it). We went over and asked Yami if she wanted a marshmallow. She readily agreed and came over for a smore. The next night Vero, a bit embarrassed, brought Yami over and said she kept begging for another marshmallow. We gave her a marshmallow, but she wanted it roasted on a stick. We didn’t have a fire going, so she settled for a cold marshmallow on a stick. Same thing happened Thursday evening, and we invited them in for pizza. A few days later I was out washing dishes and I could hear Yami pestering her mom for another marshmallow. Vero told her to come over and ask for one. Yami refused to come by herself, so Vero brought her to the back patio and told her to ask me for one (meanwhile I kept washing the dishes, facing the other way, trying not to laugh at what was going on). Yami refused, so Vero took her home, wailing. I took pity on the poor girl, and when I was done washing dishes, I went over to chat with them, as they were still sitting outside. Yami then asked me for a marshmallow and came with me to get one. Of course, she had to share with her Dad and Mom, so she took 3. After eating 2 ½ she decided she was done  A couple days ago we heard a little knock on our door. We opened it up to Yami who asked for ‘pan de tortilla,’ which translated means ‘tortilla bread.’ We had no idea what she meant by that and asked if she wanted a tortilla. She replied, “No, pan de tortilla.” I asked her if chocolate would do. She took it and went away quite happy. We never did figure out what she wanted to begin with.

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